Day old chicks are initially reared in temperature controlled brooder units until 28 days old when they are moved to free range units. These are either straw bale shacks or special chicken arks. Here they are allowed to roam grassy fields yet have the protection from predators and the elements in their specialist housing. Birds are fed a low density GM free, additive and antibiotic free diet to allow slower growth, greater maturity and better flavour. Birds are reared in small flocks to reduce stress and increase freedom. A simple diet, greater maturity and a natural environment produces a happier, better tasting chicken.

Free Range Ducks are brooded in specialist heated units, until they are 28 days old when they are moved to free range arks. Reared in small flocks they have a daytime access to grassy paddocks. A small pond in the form of a child’s paddling pool provides an excellent watering hole and swimming pool. In wet weather it is delightful to watch the ducklings explore their paddocks for any tasty morsel with dabbling beaks. The low density GM free diet is completely free of antibiotics or growth promoters. Made simply of corn, vegetable protein, minerals and vitamins it is of low density to allow leisurely growth and a better flavour. Grown in such welfare friendly conditions ducklings really do produce a better quality and flavour.